V 2.0 Statistics-Server
For Team Leaders of Hill Climb Racing 2
Clean statistics and controlling of your team and drivers. If you are tired of using Excel you will love this solution.

Range of functions

Player Comparison

Comparison of individually selected drivers for each award type, this example showing development of Garage Power with the best six players over 3 months.

Player profile with global score

Includes data recorded from various award types (i.e. Team Chest, Team Event or current Garage power). Values are added using variable weighing factors resulting in the yellow noted score. The total score is in turn used to compare players among each other within the team.

Global rank of Team Events

Based on the input of the global rank and league at the end of the month, a "universal rank" is determined. This virtual rank starting from the 1st place of the CC league and allows a realistic illustration of the rank over time, even with league changes.

Variable weighting of the player score

Depending on your taste, you can adjust the factors for the score. For example, if you as a team leader emphasize the team chest and season points more than race results, you can adjust the factors accordingly.

Hill Climb Racing 2 Teams

Select a team
Outdated Version of 2019: Version 1.0

Dies ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Seite für Teams in Hill Climb Racing 2 des Herstellers Fingersoft, verfügbar auf Android im Google Play Store und auf iOS im Apple App Store.
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